Wednesday 23 February 2011

Morton Estate Premium Brut NV

I love half bottles, particularly half bottles that contain bubbles so when a friend recommended I go to Moore Wilson's in Wellington I was a very happy girl to see they had a good selection of bubbles from around the world. As I had a small person to entertain far too early the next morning a half bottle of Morton Estate Premium Brut seemed ideal.

This traditional method sparkler is stainless steel fermented and made with fruit sourced in Marlborough and Hawkes Bay. A blend of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier the Morton Estate had flavours of mushrooms, baked apples, candied peel and a little hint of spice. 

This was a perfect mid-week sparkler, lots of interesting flavours and a good length for a wine that has been nicely put together. There are more complex sparkling wines from New Zealand out there but for something mid-range this was an unexpected treat.

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